Contacts Our 18 hole, links style golf course is undeniably stimulating, yet all golfers, from the novice to the pro, thoroughly enjoy this beautifully designed and impeccably maintained golf course. ATLANTIC BEACH LINKS CLUB CONTACTS Tony Louw Club Manager and Golf Director 021 553 2221 082 511 2193 Clivette Swarts Membership Executive 021 553 0590 Membership Queries: Kaley Grey Event Coordinator 021 553 0590 Events & Marketing Queries: Chene Oberholster Senior Financial Manager 021 553 0590 HAVE ANY QUERIES? CONTACT US! Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone Number Your Queries (required) Driving Range MembershipCorporate Golf EventsMembershipGolf BookingsGeneral - Golf Academy, Salon, Deli, Restaurant Your Message (required) I agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy.